Lectors Ministry

Anil Raj

Core Committee Member

Daijo Jose

Ministry Leader
+973 36888133

“The Lord has given me a well-trained tongue that I may speak to the weary a word that will rouse them” (Is. 50:4).

A lector is someone who proclaims the first and second reading, and the Prayers of the Faithful during Mass. The primary role of a Lector is to proclaim Christ’s Real Presence in the Liturgy of the Word before the assembled Body of Christ. Through prayerful proclamation, lectors embody the Sacred Word in a very special way. God’s Word is alive and active and the presence of Christ radiates from its proclamation at the liturgy. Thus, the lector is entrusted with the awesome task of being the “proclaimer” amidst the assembly. Though your own sacrifice of time, effort and preparation, god’s living word is proclaimed to all of his people, the young, the old, the troubled, the hopeless, the happy and to those in need of comfort. The lector must be able to proclaim the scriptures from the depths of their lived faith.


  • Lectors must be willing to prepare ahead of time in order to study the meaning and pronunciation of their assigned readings.
  • Lectors must also be present at least 30 minutes prior to the start of the Mass.
  • Participates fully in the Liturgy as an exemplary member of the assembly.
  • Proclaims the biblical text with clarity, conviction, dignity and understanding.
  • Expresses reverence and decorum in carrying out this and other aspects of her/his role according to the general liturgical norms (procession, handling the Lectionary, etc.).
  • Is faithful to the schedule of assignments and helpful in assuring that all the parish community’s liturgical assemblies are adequately served with this ministry.
  • Participates in rehearsals of ceremonial procedures in the parish community.
  • Is responsible to find replacement if unable to fulfill scheduled assignment, and to notify the Ministry Coordinator of any changes.


We represent the community visibly and set a standard for the congregation to follow. Please do not become lax or casual in this as it is an important sign of respect for the Liturgy




Light color Plain Shirt &  Trousers

*NOT ACCEPTABLE FOR ANYONE : Leggings, T-Shirts and Jeans

The above applies when you are scheduled to serve. However, please keep in mind that, when attending Mass and not scheduled to serve, you might be asked to step in if the scheduled Lector is not present. Make it a habit to go into the Ministry Room prior to any Mass you go to verify that the scheduled Lectors have checked in; please serve if a scheduled Lector is not present. Your dedication and cooperation is greatly appreciated.

If you’d like to learn more about joining this ministry, please fill out our online enrollment form. Afterward you will be contacted by the coordinator (Lectors Ministry) for more information.